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Individual Courses and Comprehensive Study Program


Course I: Introduction to Dentistry, Diagnostics & Extractions
This course covers the introduction to veterinary dentistry starting with diagnostics in small animal dentistry, clinical and radiographic assessment of oral and dental structures and using  and filling-in dental charts for dogs and cats. It also focuses on the importance of radiography and trains participants how to expose and interpret intraoral dental radiographs. Canine and feline dental extractions are another clinically very important subject and represent the most common surgical procedure in these species. They are covered in the second part of the course.

Course II: Periodontics & Feline Dentistry
Periodontal diseases are the number one clinical problem in dogs and cats. This course gives an overview of small animal periodontology, including basic knowledge about these diseases, diagnostics, conservative treatment options, preventive and regenerative techniques and advanced surgical procedures. The participant will learn about how to deal with gingivitis, periodontitis, alveolar bone loss, periodontal pockets, gingival recession and many other diseases.
Further subjects covered in this course are major feline oral problems including inflammatory diseases and teeth resorption. Basic knowledge about veterinary dentistry and intraoral dental radiography is required to enable participants to take the most out of this course.

Course III: Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics - Basic Techniques
The dentistry course III is dedicated to manual standard endodontic treatment and restorative techniques. There will be an introduction to materials, equipment and instruments as well as theoretical background of hard dental tissue and pulp functioning.
The program covers all procedures required to salvage traumatized and broken teeth in dogs and cats. To be able to efficiently work in this course and take the most out of it it´s mandatory for participants to be able to produce proper intraoral dental radiographs.

Course IV: Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics - Advanced Techniques
The dentistry course IV is dedicated to manual standard endodontic treatment and restorative techniques. There will be an introduction to materials, equipment and instruments as well as theoretical background of hard dental tissue and pulp functioning. The program covers all procedures required to salvage traumatized and broken teeth in dogs and cats. To be able to efficiently work in this course and take the most out of it it´s mandatory for participants to be able to produce proper intraoral dental radiographs.

Course V: Prosthodontics, Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry
Prosthodontics, orthodontics and juvenile dentistry are the major subjects of the fifth dentistry course. It will cover the diagnosis and treatment of common problems in juvenile patients, common treatment options for malocclusion in dogs and cats and techniques required for crowning of teeth and prosthetic approaches for management of damaged dental structures.

Course VI: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery – Tumor Surgery, Salivary Glands, Lymph Nodes, Tongue and Lip Disorders
The veterinary dentistry course 6 focuses on oral and maxillofacial oncologic surgery. It covers the diagnostic approach, decision making and surgical treatment of oral tumors as well as surgery of the lymph nodes. Additional topics comprise surgery of the salivary glands and surgical treatment of tongue and lip disorders. The introduction into the use of piezo-surgery and diode laser devices in oral and maxillofacial surgery is also part of this course.

Course VII : Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery – jaw fractures, jaw motion disorders, palatal surgery
The veterinary dentistry course VII comprises the surgical treatment oral trauma cases. Jaw fracture repair techniques will covered under this topic. Additionally disorders of jaw motion and palatal surgery will be covered in this course. The use of piezo-surgery devices for these applications will be trained.

Small Mammal Dentistry
The number of exotic companion mammals is growing, especially rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas and ferrets and so is the demand of pet owners to get the best quality of care for their pets . The Small Mammal Dentistry course is responding to the growing need of general practitioners as well as profiled exotic animal clinics and animal dentists to learn more about dental and maxillofacial problems in rabbits, rodents and ferrets. Participant will receive theoretical and practical knowledge about clinical anatomy, pathophysiology of dental disease, clinical and radiographic assessment of oral and dental/skull structures, computed tomography examination, and surgical approaches to particular dental disorders (extraction techniques, extraoral approach to odontogenic abscesses, apicoectomy, etc.).

Feline Dentistry
Despite there are three major problems affecting most of patients in feline dentistry: periodontal diseases, caudal stomatitis and teeth resorption, cats also suffer from other maladies linked to oral cavity. It is very common that several problems exist concurrently in the oral cavity. Due to the fact that it is difficult to provide home care in cats suffering with oral pain, many diseases are diagnosed in advanced stage. The Feline Dentistry course is responding to the growing need of general practitioners as well as profiled feline clinics to learn more about dental and maxillofacial problems in cats. Participant will receive theoretical and practical knowledge about clinical anatomy, diagnostics oral inflammatory diseases management, oral surgery, traumatology and systemic aspects of dental problems.

Upcoming Courses

in South East Asia (English)

Course Date Registration
Dentistry 1: Introduction to Dentistry, Diagnostics & Extractions, Bangkok,Thailand, Dr. Gawor & Dr. Theuns 22 - 26 July 2024 fully booked - Waiting List open
Dentistry 2: Periodontics & Feline Dentistry (Course 2/5), Bangkok/Thailand, Dr. Gawor & Dr. Tutt 28. - 01. Nov 2024 registration open
Dentistry 1: Introduction to Dentistry, Diagnostics & Extractions, Bangkok,Thailand, Dr. Gawor & Dr. Tutt 9 - 13 August 2025 registration open
Dentistry 3: Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics - Basic Techniques (Course 3/5), Bangkok/Thailand, Dr. Gawor & Dr. Tutt 22 - 26 October 2025 coming soon - Interest List Open


in China (English with consecutive translation into Chinese)

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