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Haimel, Georg Dr.

Diplomate ECVS


Georg graduated from the Veterinary University of Vienna in 2006. After working for six months in general practice, he completed a rotating small animal internship at the Veterinary University of Vienna. Thereafter, he worked for two years in the medical department of an international pharmaceutical company, before returning to the Veterinary University of Vienna. Georg then successfully completed a three-year ECVS approved residency program in small animal surgery. Georg joined the AHT as a clinician in soft tissue & orthopaedic surgery in 2015, he is particularly interested in minimally invasive surgery.

Research Programmes

Georg’s main area of research is microencapsulated porcine islet cell transplantation, Georg was awarded a poster prize in 2011 and the prestigious ECVS resident award in 2014.


Haimel G, Liehmann L, Dupré G. Thoracoscopic en bloc thoracic duct sealing and partial pericardectomy for the treatment of chylothorax in two cats. J Feline Medicine Surgery 2012 Dec;14(12):928-31

Zeugswetter FK, Schornsteiner E, Haimel G, Schwendenwein I. Metabolic and hormonal responses to subcutaneous glucagon in healthy beagle dogs. J Vet Emerg Crit Care 2012 Oct;22(5)


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