Wednesday, 19 November 2025
The radiographic technique needed to obtain diagnostic thoracic imaging
Radiographic anatomy needed to recognize what is normal from what is abnormal
The systematic approach to interpreting a thoracic study
The extra-thoracic structures and the diaphragm and why we do not have to miss them
The airways: Upper or lower? How to recognize a tracheal collapse
The lung patterns, do we really need them?
The cardio-circulatory system: How to recognize a left and right heart failure
The radiographic technique needed to obtain diagnostic abdominal imaging
Thursday, 20 November 2025
Radiographic anatomy needed to recognize what is normal from what is abnormal
The systematic approach to interpreting an abdominal study
The contrast studies, we still need them?
The retroperitoneal space, a completely different story
The spine: Where does the pain come from?
The radiographic technique for diagnostic head and axial images
The interpreting system for the head and the legs
Is it an infection or it is a tumor?
Friday, 21 November 2025 (Computer lab)
Cases discussion following the interpreting rules
Cases discussion
Cases discussion and it is an emergency?
Classical and not so classical cases
Saturday, 22 November 2025 (Computer lab)
Focus on a feline patient
When the images and the clinical signs don’t fit
Is it a surgical candidate?
Is GI occluded or not?
From which organ does the mass come?
Why the patient is not able to urinate properly?
Sunday, 23 November 2025 (Computer lab)
Cases discussion - Classical and less classical cases
Cases discussion - Focus on systemic diseases that change the abdomen or the spine
Cases discussion - I was not expecting this!
Cases discussion - Typical growing patient diseases and aged patient diseases
Conclusion and Introduction to the Distance Learning Program